Contextual service for farmers – Profium and MTT Agrifood Research Finland collaboration
Pioneer in semantic technology, Profium Oy and MTT Agrifood Research Finland have started a collaboration to release a new contextual service for farmers. This service makes timely and relevant information available for farmers through a mobile application and links farmers with MTT’s experts and allows them to share possible pest and disease observations from their growing fields.
This contextual service represents a next generation of digital services for users in various roles and situations, making situation aware information available for immediate end-user benefit. “Information Finds the User”, rather than asking the user to actively look for relevant information.
At the core of the service is Profium Sense software that enables situation aware information processing, contextual user management, distribution of information and semantic analytics and rules that define the importance of information.
Experts of MTT bring in the service their expertise, scientific analysis methods and consulting services which together form a comprehensive service experience to the farmers.
The first version of the service is available for 2014 growing season.
For more information please contact:
MTT, Hanna Huitu, Research Scientist, Tel. +358 (0) 29-5300 700
Profium Oy, Janne Laakso, SVP, Sales & marketing, Tel. +358 (0)40 705 4216
Edit: After 2015 MTT reorganization the name is now Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke