Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy chooses Profium Sense for its semantic search
Helsinki, December 17, 2015,
Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy (TEM) has chosen Profium Sense product via a public procurement procedure to enable semantic search in its employment services. Semantic search will support better matching of labour for enterprises and workforce.
Semantic Search will be based on the use of ontologies i.e. conceptual models of jobs and skills which are processed by a patented technology implemented in Profium Sense.
Semantic Search will integrate information from various sources to improve search results for employers and employees. Open vacancies and CVs will match better with keywords used in search as the underlying concepts can be considered same or similar and thus help users of the semantic search get relevant results with less efforts. For example, a person looking for a vacancy for an Assistant in human resources will find vacancies advertised as HR assistant, HR coordinator, HR clerk or Personnel coordinator.
In addition, individual employees’ skills are used by the service to construct a semantic profile which helps match employees with jobs independently of the job titles.
Semantic search will power, for example, services which has about 4 million visitors per month depending on the unemployment rate.
“Semantic technology will revolutionize digital services in the future. Profium Sense with its support for intelligent reasoning based on ontologies will now be configured to improve employment matching. We are excited to help achieve this nationally important goal.”, elaborates Profium SVP, Mr. Janne Laakso.
“Semantic search engine is an important step to reform employment service activities to support employment which is one of the key projects of the Finnish Government Programme. Semantic search is the first step towards fully automated matching of workforce and jobs based on analytical learning machines. We have high expectations for the cooperation with Profium.”, comments Mr Markku Wallin, Director General, responsible for key projects at Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
For more information please contact:
Profium Oy, SVP, Mr. Janne Laakso,
Tel. +358 40 705 4216
TEM, Director General, ICT and Knowledge Management Department, Mr. Markku Wallin,
Tel. +358 (0)295 16001
TEM, Development Director, Mr. Kari Rintanen,
Tel. +358 (0)295 16001