Museum Centre Vapriikki of the City of Tampere houses collections of several specialized museums with more than 300.000 objects. The Collection Management System, called Siiri, is based on Profium Sense Collection Management. Siiri is shared with Pirkanmaa Provincial Museum, which specializes particularly in the maintenance of cultural environments. The Cultural Environment Unit of the Provincial Museum uses Profium Sense Collection Management for managing conservation sites and areas, sites on which advice has been given, and research and documentation materials. The Cultural Environment Unit is also in charge of the administration of local museums in Pirkanmaa. Local museums use Siiri for management of their own photographic and item collections.
Tampere museums has about 170.000 historical photographs with a special emphasis on Tampere and the Tampere region in its collection stored in Profium Sense Collection Management. Siiri also contains information of about 100.000 items of the museums’ collections and thousands of objects of cultural heritage. Profium Sense Collection Management provides a uniform solution for storing the image collections and for the management of item collections and cultural heritage data. Role based access control enables flexible co-operation of different museums.
Different views to the metadata may be provided for different user groups or by selection by individual users. Views determine which fields are shown on the layout of the user interface. Search results can be presented in different formats and sorted according to user needs. Public parts of the image collection are shown on the Internet, where the images can be ordered online. Profium Collection Management also enables automatic collection of technical image metadata from the imported files, and integration with the Finto national ontology library for improved description and retrieval of the items.
Various interfaces of Profium Sense Collection Management help with connecting with other information systems. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) interface enables harvesting metadata to Finna.fi service. A Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) interface enables modification of geographical features related to cultural heritage objects on Siiri with Geographic Information Services tools such as QGIS.
Museum Centre Vapriikki is also home to The Finnish Hockey Hall of Fame, The Shoe Museum, and The Doll Museum.