Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI (used to be The Finnish National Board of Education, FNBE) is the national agency subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Culture. The EDUFI has a wide range of tasks related to the development of education all through pre-primary and basic education, general upper secondary education, vocational education and training, formal adult education and training, liberal adult education (incl. folk high schools, study centres, summer universities, e-learning) and basic education in the arts. EDUFI is responsible for drawing up the national core curricula for basic and general upper secondary education and the framework for vocational qualifications and competence-based qualifications.
EDUFI hosts an e-Learning material search service which provides a single point of access to learning material on the web. The service is based on Profium Sense, allowing it to mix industry standard metadata schemes with domain specific schemes, such as the Creative Commons licensing model. The service exposes its metadata to Learning Material Exchange an Europe-wide learning material portal, using OAI-PMH metadata harvesting interface – a core feature of Profium Sense.
* At the beginning of 2017 the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) and CIMO Centre for International Mobility merged to form the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI).